Wednesday 13 July 2011

TianaFCKSH8!? Say what?!

I'm new to this whole "blogging" thing, so I don't really care if people enjoy what I have to say or not. I was just told that this would be good for me. Mainly because I am a very angry person. I just can't control myself. Ever. Most of the time(all the time) I take it out on my thirteen year old brother. It's getting bad. I'm verbally, as well as physically violent. But the youth worker, Erin Scott, recommended "sibling counselling." My mother never sent us. I thought she was rather ridculous for not, but I guess there's now "blogger" to rant on, huh? Telling all my problems to random strangers. If anyone actually reads this. I should start off by telling you who I am, and what I do for a living.